Teaching Jobs in China: Start Your English Classes Today


If you are a natural English speaker or have a bachelor's degree in the subject, you could be looking for work. Finding a job that fits your qualifications to the letter and having all of the necessary paperwork in order may be time-consuming. Another essential factor to remember is that most teaching jobs in China are available at the beginning of the academic year, so applicants must apply between December and January. The employment will begin between two semesters, which generally occurs in February. Present recommendations about when the ideal time to do anything is based on the points listed below.


Not applying six months prior

It is too early to apply for a job teaching English in China since, no matter how well planned or efficient you are, the dynamics in Chinese schools are very different. As a result, what works for you might not work for the institutions there. There are two primary reasons for not applying six months ago.



For starters, many applicants have reservations about teaching in a foreign nation, and since it is regarded as one of the most daring moves, issues may arise. Individuals are frequently compelled to modify their opinions as a result of these unexpected events. In most situations, educational institutions may have questioned instructors six months previously, during which time they would send emails or extract correspondence between professors.


Not applying 12 months prior

Sending applications to institutes a year in advance might be risky if you want to teach English in China. It is because the number of pupils fluctuates during the year. It may result in a lottery-style need for fewer or more instructors in the coming year, and schools have been unable to contact instructors for their employees for the past twelve months. Contracts are typically for eleven months and encompass multiple school semesters. Public schools cannot consider adding to their personnel until they are sure that the present group of instructors will quit. The response time for applications submitted twelve or six months ago should be minimal.


The optimum time is 12 weeks prior

The ideal period to submit submissions and applications is twelve weeks ahead of time, and the most organized institutions hire new personnel three months ahead of time. It is also when school officials will ask current employees if they want to stay on since they need to make a plan. Furthermore, obtaining a work visa takes eight weeks, giving educators four to six weeks to establish contact with institutions. Interviews will be well-organized and unhurried so that it will be a pleasant time.


More views on the resume

You will be at the window shop at the proper place and time if you apply twelve weeks ahead of time. The CV receives the most views and attracts more interest from high schools and colleges.



Chinese learners are being taught. The English classes here are similar to those in public schools, except that class numbers are limited to around 20 individuals in teaching jobs in China. It makes the life of a teacher a lot simpler! You will get paid more, but you will also be expected to work more and pay closer attention to each of your pupils.


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